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Event Details

Name: CLA 2018

Location: Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California

Date: November 9–11, 2018

Website: Click here


Call for Proposals: Emily Weak (eweak@oaklandlibrary.org); Phone:

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Welcome to the CLA 2018 - Conference Proposal Form
You will be using this form to upload your proposal and update your contact information for the conference. To begin, read through the information below and log in to begin your submission. Submissions close March 31, 2018 at 11:59 pm PST.

LOGIN NOTE: If you have a login from a previous year, you may use it below. Only create a new account if you have never used the Scorecard. New users, click "Join Now" below.

Who should propose a session:
Anyone and everyone!

We encourage new and seasoned professionals, students, paraprofessionals, librarians, administrators, library supporters, and library critics to apply. Invite your friends and colleagues! If you know non-library folks who can share something CLA needs to hear, encourage them to apply.

We particularly encourage submissions that prioritize the voices of people who belong to groups that have traditionally been marginalized, such as people who identify as: of color, immigrant, LGBTQ, differently abled/disabled.

If you have never submitted a proposal before or are otherwise interested in assistance with your application, please email Program Chair Emily Weak eweak@oaklandlibrary.org. You will be paired with a mentor or receive other assistance as appropriate.

This year our theme is “No Barriers, No Walls: Access for All!” and we mean it.

Funding A/V
A Note on Children at Conference
Program Types
Pre-conference programs are half-day to full-day workshops that provide a more in-depth look at a particular topic. These programs must provide more training and interaction than a concurrent program would. We are particularly looking for programs that fulfill one or more of the following:
Concurrent Programming
Concurrent programs provide 20-100+ participants with an in-depth look at a topic and allow for some interaction (Q & A or something more hands-on). More granularly, program types may include but are not limited to: Panel Presentation (more than 1 person, no more than 4), Roundtable discussion, Workshop, Film with discussion, etc. You may request 45, 60, or 90 minutes in length, although scheduling needs mean that we may not be able to accommodate your request. We are particularly looking for programs that fulfill one or more of the following:
Poster Sessions
Poster sessions are an opportunity to speak casually, one-on-one with colleagues about a project, research interest, or passion. Despite the title, you are not required to make a poster. Presenters will be given a bulletin board (4’x8’) on which to affix visual materials (including but not limited to a poster). Presenters will be asked to host their materials for a 45 minute session. This is a great space to share an idea and network with peers without the pressure of presenting “on stage.” Presenters will be in an area of the conference exhibit hall with about 15 other poster presenters.

Ignite Sessions and Hater's Ball
Ignite presentations are 5 minutes long and use no more than 20 slides (auto-advance is optional at CLA conference). These micro-presentations are a great way to perfect your elevator pitch for a topic or program for which you hope to win followers. They are very friendly for new presenters who want to gain experience but are also a wonderful opportunity for seasoned speakers to practice persuasion (and timing). We are requesting proposals for both daytime Ignite sessions, and for our no-holds-barred, night-time celebration of (strictly- timed) frankness, the Hater’s Ball (you’ll still be able to be in bed by 11, we promise). Hater’s Ball is a forum where you are encouraged to blow off steam by spending your 5 minutes on something that particularly irks you about libraries or librarianship. It helps to be funny, but sincerity can be a good substitute. More information about the Ignite format is available here: http://www.ignitetalks.io

How-To Sessions
How-To sessions are 20-30 minute, hands-on presentations that teach a single skill. This is a great place to show off your maker skills, best craft programs, side hobbies, stress busting techniques, and any other miscellaneous skills that other conference goers might enjoy. For more ideas about How-To presentations, check out the programs at San Diego Public Library and Louisville Free Public Library. You will need to provide your own supplies. We are interested in both adult-focused sessions and in kid-friendly ones.

If you want to prepare your submission in a seperate text document, click below for a preview of the different Proposal Submission Form Fields

2018 CLA ScoreCard Proposal Form Fields

Questions/Comments/Concerns? Please email 2018 Program Committee Chair, Emily Weak, at eweak@oaklandlibrary.org.

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Questions? Organizer: Emily Weak - eweak@oaklandlibrary.org /