Hours: 9 – 9 ET, Mon - Fri
Phone: (Direct) (410) 638-9239
Phone: (Toll Free) (877) 426-6323
Email: Help@ConferenceAbstracts.com
Location: John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center - Boston, MA
Dates: June 9-12, 2018
Website: www.nutrition.org/n18
Abstract Submission Contact: Michelle Crispino, E-mail: mcrispino@nutrition.org, Phone: (240) 428-3607
The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) is pleased to announce the opening of abstract submission for Nutrition 2018, ASN’s inaugural flagship meeting, which will be held from June 9-12, 2018 in Boston, MA. ASN encourages the submission of original research in the form of abstracts for presentation at Nutrition 2018.
Key Dates:
Accepted abstracts will be programmed in oral and poster sessions at Nutrition 2018. Presenting authors are expected to attend the meeting and participate in their assigned session.
Accepted abstracts will be published in Current Developments in Nutrition, ASN’s open access journal.
Log in to the Abstract Submission website
Questions? Nutrition 2018: Michelle Crispino - mcrispino@nutrition.org / (240) 428-3607